Traction Devices: The Best Pocket Cleats

Traction Devices: The Best Pocket Cleats

Looking for a compact, reliable solution to maintain your footing on icy trails? Pocket cleats may be your new go-to gear. These lightweight and portable traction devices ensure stability and security when navigating challenging, slippery terrain.

If you're seeking a traction device that's lightweight, compact, and durable, the Titanium V3 Pocket Cleats could be your game-changer.

The Essentials of Pocket Cleats for Trail Running

The V3 Pocket Cleats come with stainless steel spikes that are made with durable titanium with a compact design for easy transport.

This traction device boasts several impressive features:

  • Ergonomic design with lateral stability brackets
  • Has reverse cleats for enhanced stability
  • Robust construction with TPU-coated nylon webbing
  • Heavy-duty rubberized straps ensure durability and longevity
  • Small size that can easily fit into your hand
  • Powerful grip on difficult icy terrain
  • Lightweight design that is less than half the weight of similar trail traction devices

With these innovative cleats in tow, you will have no hesitation when facing any slippery or frozen trails. This traction device is highly reliable on all kinds of terrains.

Titanium: The Strength Behind V3 Pocket Cleats

Titanium_ The Strength Behind V3 Pocket Cleats

Titanium boasts exceptional properties that are highly sought after in various industries due to its:

  • Remarkable strength-to-weight ratio
  • Resistance against corrosion
  • Biocompatibility
  • High melting point and low thermal expansion

Thanks to its many notable properties including a great strength-to-weight ratio, titanium is used across multiple industries including boating, aerospace, military, automotive, and outdoor backpacking equipment.

These outstanding features make titanium an optimal choice for creating stainless steel spikes for traction devices. By utilizing its lightweight yet sturdy characteristics, outdoor enthusiasts can now tackle challenging terrains without worrying about added weight or inconvenience.


Lifting any extra weight on your feet mile after mile really adds up fast. Titanium is 40% lighter than steel, making for a noticeable difference in your gait. Plus, when you take the pocket cleats off your feet, you still need to carry them, making a lighter item that much more valuable.


Imagine the beating the bottom of your shoes get on any average hike or trail run. Titanium is used to protect pilots in military aircraft, meaning ice and the occasional rock is no match for a titanium cleat.


Who hasn’t put a piece of gear away wet after a challenging endeavor? With titanium products and cleats, there’s no need to worry about rust ruining your future travel plans.

How to Choose the Right Pocket Cleats for Your Hiking Adventures

How to Choose the Right Pocket Cleats for Your Hiking Adventures

  • Lightweight—any extra weight on your feet adds up quickly with each step
  • Compact—easy to store when not in use
  • Cleat Durability—can withstand the constant barrage of footfalls and mixed terrain
  • Spike Length—provides an incredibly strong and stable grip on snow tracks
  • Chassis Durability—the frame can withstand cold temperatures and constant use
  • Quick Mounting—easy ability to take on and off
  • Security—stays on your feet without constant adjustment

What Are Pocket Cleats Best Used For?

One key factor contributing to these cleats’ stable traction is their use of designed lateral stability brackets that seamlessly integrate with the overall structure.



The lightweight design of the V3 Cleats is geared specifically towards trail running.

Side stability brackets prevent the cleats from slipping side to side, and by tying into your existing lacing system, the shoes and cleats become connected as one piece of gear with no slippage in between—meaning you can make more miles without making extra adjustments.

The durability of the titanium cleats, and the 1,300+ pound breaking strength of the TPU-coated nylon webbing, also ensure the traction device will be your running partner for years to come.

Day Hiking

Day Hiking

Easy to store in your pack and even easier to forget you’re carrying, you’ll be glad you have a convenient traction device when you encounter an icy patch on your day hike.

The Duraflex quick-release cord locks make strapping in and out a quicker process than chewing trail mix, and the lightweight addition to your feet allows you to go further than your average day hiker.

For dawn-to-dusk endeavors, the 12 mm nylon cord is reflective for added visibility on the trail.



If year-round snowy passes are on the trail in front of you, or you like to ditch the crowds by backpacking a bit off-season, a traction device is essential.

At 4.8 ounces total (both cleats), even the staunchest gram counter can’t disagree with the great weight-to-utility value. The pack size of 5 x 4 x 3 inches (in a nylon stuff sack) makes the cleats easy to lose in your pack until you need them.

General Use

When winter comes around, tasks like walking the dog, checking the mail, and clearing windshields suddenly become more of a challenge.

If slippery conditions are part of your routine, this traction device can help you avoid becoming another winter slippage statistic.

Optimizing Traction: When to Utilize V3 Cleats

Optimizing Traction: When to Utilize V3 Cleats

Titanium Pocket Cleats are best used as lightweight hiking shoes for a specific range of terrain with ice or snow. That means once you start hitting Old Man Winter dandruff you can begin to think about busting out the cleats. 

An okay rule of thumb for traction devices is the moment you feel your first slip, throw them on. If you don’t want to wait for that first potentially risky slip, here are some ideal conditions to utilize your Titanium Pocket Cleats:

Icy Trails

After the snow has sat on the ground and had the chance to melt, refreeze, and settle in—that’s when trails and running paths transform themselves into slippery passes.

This traction device is made for this unforgiving terrain. The 1.3-centimeter spikes on the ice cleats perform great even up to moderately steep, icy terrain.

Packed Snow

Packed snow provides a great surface for titanium spikes to grab. The steel spikes enable comfortable trail running, whether it’s an undulating path of elevation change or a flat track hiding secret icy spots.

Mixed Terrain

Winter travel nearly always means mixed rugged terrain. Rock fields, sidewalks, and dry surfaces can change your pace every few hundred feet in some cases. Keeping your traction device on in these situations will help prevent you from slipping on hidden patches of ice.

Safe travel is always better than landing on your rear in front of your friends (or worse), and with quick-fastening technology and durable titanium, being prepared is always best.

When NOT to Use Cleats

No Snow or Ice

Even if the weather is cold enough, just leave them in your backpack if there’s no snow or ice on the ground.

Without snow or ice, you risk damaging your cleats, as they’re not made for long treks on rock. Only use them if you're passing through an icy trail.

Deep, Fluffy Snow

If there is deep snow that's not as dense, you’d be better off with snowshoes as opposed to pocket cleats. In those situations, buoyancy can be a bigger factor than traction.

Vertical and Very Steep Hiking/Climbing

While the 1.3-centimeter spikes can handle a moderate grade of icy climbing, if you find yourself going more vertical with your endeavors, especially if you start utilizing a rope and harness, you’ll want to be wearing more aggressive crampons compared to lightweight hiking shoes.

Crampons are similar trail traction devices that typically come with larger cleats, a heavier chassis, and additional front spikes. These can only fit specific types of mountaineering or larger boots.

User Guide: Fitting and Adjusting Your Trail Traction Devices

Properly adjusting your traction device is crucial to achieving its full potential. By manipulating the heavy-duty rubberized nylon strap, one can control and redistribute the traction as needed.

This traction device is a one-size-fits-all and once properly fitted to your hiking or trail-running shoe, they are easy to put on by cinching the front strap and tying the backstrap into your existing lacing system.

Before you can make this process a matter of seconds, the pocket cleats first need to be adjusted to your shoe. Here are the simple steps to do that:

  1. Slide the Pockets Cleats, cleat-side down, over your shoe lining the back cleat up with the sole of your shoe (the instep).
  2. Tie the backstrap into the eyelets of your shoe, using the same double-slip knot you use to tie your shoes.
  3. Position the front strap over the top of your toe box and cinch down.
  4. Flip the shoe over to make any necessary adjustments to the center strap. For the cleats to be properly fitted you want to look for the following:
    • Put the back cleat in the middle of the sole (your instep)
    • Center cleat between the back and front cleat
    • Front cleat should be on or slightly in front of the balls of your feet
    • Center strap should lay snugly against the bottom of the shoe
  5. If the one-time adjustment is needed on the center strap, undo the front strap and push and pull the center strap to adjust to the desired length.
  6. Once positioned correctly, cut the excess center strap from the front cleat with a pair of strong scissors.
  7. Lastly, adjust the side stability brackets so that they are located approximately ¼ inch away from the soles of your shoes.

And there you have it, a properly fitted shoe that can now be put on lightning fast. For more visual learners out there, check out this helpful video:

Maintaining Your Pocket Cleats: Tips and Best Practices

Maintaining Your Pocket Cleats_ Tips and Best Practices

A few extra nuanced tips and tricks for a perfect, never-needs-to-be-adjusted fit:

  • Standing while tying the laces will reduce slack and help tie the ice cleats on more tightly.
  • Side stability brackets on the side need to pinch the indentation of the shoe between the toe box and heel.
  • Don’t make the front strap too long, and whenever in doubt, shorten the strap. Consider removing a cleat if your shoe size is smaller than Women’s 9 or Men’s 7.
  • Tuck the front cord slack and front cord lock under your shoelaces to prevent snagging.
  • Before cutting off the excess center strap with scissors, try fitting the cleats to any other shoes you might use them with.

Running with Confidence in Winter

Running with Confidence in Winter

Running in the winter can be challenging, but with a reliable traction device, you can still get the support you need. To make the most out of these cleats, it is important to land on a flat foot to fully utilize their traction capabilities.

Aside from wearing spikes on your running shoes, choosing appropriate clothing for your winter runs and maintaining momentum without stopping mid-run are also crucial steps. And don’t forget to have a plan for post-run recovery!

Wardrobe is Key

Running in winter is all about the clothes you choose. For extra chilly conditions, you’ll want to cover all the exposed skin you can including hands, head, and parts of the face.

Layers are the way to go, with a base layer ideally made of wool or any synthetic sweat-control material.

Forget Your Stopwatch: Focus on Not Stopping

Don’t worry about how fast you are going on a winter run, rather focus on making it to your set destination without stopping too much.

The cold weather can catch up with you fast once you stop moving, making efficient route planning and mindful travel very important for winter running.

Have a Post-Run Plan

Don’t just wait around for the cold temperatures to catch up to you post-run.

Instead, change out of your running clothes and into your regular, warm winter clothes as soon as you can. Add a thermos of hot coffee or tea to the mix, and you’ll have effectively triumphed over the winter blues.

Ready to elevate your hiking experience with V3 Pocket Cleats? Grab it now from our store!

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