Refund policy

We guarantee the quality of any product we make! If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your Vargo product, we will work with you to make it right by refunding, crediting, exchanging your order or repairing your product. We cannot accept items that have been damaged or made unsellable by the customer at no fault of Vargo. Returns for exchange in the case of a manufacturers' defect can be made indefinitely.

Returns for a REFUND must be made and completed within 60 days of the purchase date (60-day refund period). Refunds will be processed in the original form of payment only (i.e. the credit/debit card from which the purchase was made). If purchased from, but after the 60-day refund period, only exchanges can be made.

If you purchased Vargo products from an authorized Vargo retailer and would like a refund on your purchase, please contact the retailer directly.

To process a refund or exchange, please send an email to and briefly explain your situation, including pictures of the issue, and request for return (we prefer email for tracking purposes). Upon approval, we will send a return label for the product. We'll use a United States Postal Service return label which can be dropped off at any Post Office. Once received at our location, we will process the return for refund or exchange within 7 days.