I backpacked most of 2019 across Tasmania, Bali, India, and multiple countries in Europe. I cannot tell you how many meals this stove cooked—it’s ridiculous. It weighs nothing. And yes, you want a primer plate. I use the bottom of a beer can cut out with a dremel—it is cut to the shape of the dip in the top of the stove so it fits perfectly in the top and the three legs fold down to keep it secure. Denatured alcohol is the best fuel, and the most difficult thing about this stove is finding out what denatured alcohol is called in different countries and where it is sold. Seriously, buy this thing. It just works. And with a primer plate that has 9-15 drops of alcohol in it (carry a small dropper with alcohol in your kit for this purpose), it blooms in about 10 seconds. Seriously. I cooked hundreds of meals on this thing. It made travel way cheaper because I could cook my food wherever I went. Just buy it already.