In 2002, VARGO was started with the belief that great outdoor gear is all about pairing the best materials with simple, innovative, and functional designs. Titanium was the obvious choice for our hard goods due to its durability and lightweight strength. Over two decades later, we are proud of how far we have come thanks to a little imagination and the support of our dedicated customers.
Brian Vargo
Owner / CEO
Let customers speak for us
from 1081 reviews
My new EDC utility knife
An amazing superlight utility knife with neat features.
I sometimes forget I even have it because of how light it is, even when clipped tp my belt loop.
I appreciate the locking safety mechanism built into the knife, makes using it very safe and you can be sure that it won't unlock itself in use.
The design is intuitive and I could pick it up and start using it without having to look for instructions.
Really think being made of titanium is the big plus.
Have tried both alcohol and denatured alcohol.
91% alcohol is sooty.
Denatured alcohol burns clean.
Have a beard and mustache.
Make my own grooming wax in natural color.
Its clear when applied correctly.
Just used it once in the USA before long term use in cold and windy Patagonia.
Had to custom make a round platform to safely
place my only slightly bigger pot on the stove.
Took about 20 minutes to get half a liter boiling.
I'll update once back from the far south!
I have two of these - you'll have to accept that they show some dents and dings, but mine are both functioning at 100% despite showing lots of character. The titanium imparts exactly ZERO taste and is completely non-reactive and corrosion-proof. The first one I bought is probably ten years old now and shows no signs that it will ever fail. Great investment.